Subatomos 3rd Anniversary Project
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スバルちゃん活動三周年おめでとう!! どんなに嫌なことがあってもスバルちゃんの笑い声や面白い話を聞くとめっちゃ元気でるんだ。いつも私たちに元気を届けてくれてありがとう。これからもずっと応援してる。スバルちゃん大好き!!!!


Subaru you are a really incredible person, past events has shown that you never give up and always laugh and smile even in the events of hardship. That is the reason I am a subatomo, you are living embodiment of HOPE.


Congratulations on your third anniversary! I look forward to future streams with you and hopefully we get to make up for these missed opportunities many times in the years to come. Thank you for everything Subaru, see you again next stream~


Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary Subaru ! It’s ok postponing the live. Don’t feel upset. I always receive positive energy from u and now is my turn. Cheer up my No.1 idol! GanBaDe ASoRe !!!


Cheers on your 3rd Anniversary and to many memeable and memorable moments to come. I enjoyed and needed the wholesome content and interaction from your streams. The Teetee, funny, and meme moments, whether playing or interacting with other girls. I only knew Subaru as the duck meme, but now as an Idol streamer. Congrats on 3 years


Congrats on your anniversary Subaru! I love watching your content, it's peak japanese Manzai, and you are a perfect Tsukkomi, especially when you collaborate as OKFAMS and other Hololive members. Hope to have many more hilarious moments in years to come.

Jamie Bastian

Happy 3rd Anniversary Subaru! You are the cutest idol and funniest duck of them all!! Thank you for the many great streams, hours of entertainment, and all the effort you put into them to make them fun and exciting every time. I especially appreciate the translations you make for all the Overseas viewers to make things easier to understand, which is just one of the many great things you do and have done! Much love, from Denmark


私事ですが、一時期イラストが描けなくなったことがありました。 そのときyoutubeで、スバルちゃんの「どぅーまいべすと!」を偶然みつけて、サムネに惹かれて聞いてみました。 スバルちゃんのかわいさに魅了され、また自分の状況もあり、その歌詞にとても励まされました。 「自分のペースで、自分のベストをつくせばいいんだよ。」 そうスバルちゃんに言われているようで、とても元気をもらえました。 現在は、イラストも自分のペースで描けるようになって、とても楽しいです。 いつもリスナーが楽しめるように、企画や配信を考えてくれてありがとうございます。 これからも体調に気を付けて頑張ってください!応援してます!!






Omedetouuu subaruu~ This year has been so much fun. Although some streams are hard to make it to considering the time difference, catching your streams and live events have really been the best. Thank you for all your hard work. I would really like to see more of idol subaru, your performance at cinderella switch blew me away. I can' t wait to see what more things you have coming. What a great year for hololive its been~ Thank you Subaru <3


Congratulations on 3rd Anniversary, Subaru! It is great fun watching your streams all the time! I hope you keep growing big and wish you all the best for the future!


Hi Subaru. Three years already. Looking back on where it all began, no one would've thought things would end up as big as it is today. Despite all the struggle, the time where you were down and the moments where things went wrong, you've persevered against all odds, and for that, I want to say 'I am so proud of you' and especially 'Thank you', for all the smiles you've brought to our faces even when we thought we couldn't. I hope we'll have more and more of these fun moments together. Otsubaru~


Hello Subaru! Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary! Thank you very much for making me smile and laugh! You really are the star that lights up our lives! You are always positive, and you have made me very happy these years! You deserve many good and beautiful things! Your voice is wonderful, you have a great talent! I admire you! I hope you are well! Subaru is the best! We will always support you <3


HAPPY 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHUBA!!!! Thank you for bringing happiness to the world with your cheerful and positive personality and I hope we get to see more in the upcoming years to come! Please continue to be you and continue being the best duck girl idol.


Thank you for your content Subaru. You always manage to make me smile even during hard times. Keep on doing your best to bring smiles!


まずは3周年本当におめでとう!!!3周年経った今でもスバルちゃんの全部が大好きです!!まだまだこれからも色々な活躍楽しみにしてんで!!! これからも1スバ友としてよろしくね!!!

Claudio Bizama @Claxle

Congratulations Subaru!!! 🎉🎉🎉 You have really become an idol after all these years. I hope we can see more of you dancing, singing and being happy! Continue doing your best!! 🥳🥳🥳


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう! いつも楽しい配信から沢山元気貰ってます!! これからも応援していくよ!!!


A happy anniversary to our beloved Subaru-chan! The efforts you have went through to make your channel a constant source of fun and energy have not gone unnoticed, and each and every Subatomo is very thankful for what you do every day. May you have a fantastic celebration this year and many more to come!


Congratulations on 3rd Anniversary Subaru. Thank you for being Amazing this whole time!


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう! 3年間色んなことに挑戦していたスバルちゃんを陰ながらずっと応援してたよ!最初は苦手だと言っていた歌もゲーム実況も雑談配信も3年でここまでできるようになった!すごい!! 逃げないで自分と向き合う。これだけで立派なVTuber、立派なアイドルだよ! スバルちゃんが大きなステージで歌って踊ってる姿を見る度に「出会えてよかった」って思って泣きそうになってます...! これからもこっそり応援してます!ふぁいとー!


Happy 3rd anniversary Subaru!! I wanted to thank you for all the laughs and good times you've given to me this past year, you've helped me through a lot, keep being amazing Subaru!!


Congrats on having 3rd anniversary, Subaru!! You've inspired us all of your fans from your wacky streaming, being a tsukkomi, determined at playing games, and doing your very best! We Subatomos love you! Looking forward to having us with you next year! 3周年おめでとうございます!!これからもよろしくぅ!!



M.R. 4

Hello! I am here to congratulate Subaru on her 3rd anniversary, and I want to say that Subaru is a hard-working person, which lots of things happened in her life (good and bad things) but even with that, she kept going forward and making people happy with her stories and happiness. She definetly deserve all the good things she have today. Keep with your hard-work, be happy and have fun.


スバル、三周年おめでとう!! スバルの配信を見始めるようになってから、早いものでもうすぐ1年が経ちます。 最初は面白いから見ていただけでしたが、今ではすっかりアヒージョですw いつも明るく、元気で、実は誰よりも女の子なスバルが大好きです(^-^) これまでも色々な事があったし、これからもきっと嬉しい事や悲しい事があると思いますが、スバルの明るさがあれば大丈夫! (無理し過ぎないかが心配です💦) あまり力になれる事は多くないけれど、これからも俺はスバルを推し続けます! 願わくばこれからもずっとスバルや、スバ友の皆さんと笑って過ごせたらなって思います♪ 改めてスバル三周年、本当におめでとう🎉🎉🎉

Micah K

Congratulations on your third anniversary! I really enjoy your energy in your streams. Keep up the entertaining streams.






Hi Subaru! I want to say that there are a lot of points that I like about you! You're always fresh and positive and I feel my day brightens up every time I watch your stream! I like your enthusiasm in every stream and I also like to see your reaction when you're playing a game, be it your laughter, screams, or sadness. You're a really interesting person to watch! Happy 3rd anniversary Subaru! I hope you stay healthy and happy!


Congratulations for your 3rd anniversary! Thank you for everything you have done for us. おめでとうございます!大好き!


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとうございます!あなたのおかげで人生変わりました! これからも頑張ってください、応援し続けます!


三周年おめでとうございます! ここまで様々なことがありましたね...いろんなスバちゃんの一面を見ることができて、私にとって濃密な三年間でした。スバちゃんにとっては、きっと楽しいことばかりでなく辛いことや悲しいこともあったのかもしれません。でもそんな積み重ねがあったからこそ、今のスバちゃんの輝かしい今があるのだと思います。いつもひたむきに頑張るその姿に元気と勇気ももらっています。本当におめでとう!そしていつもありがとう!これからも応援しています!!!


スバル、3周年おめでとう これからも応援していくよ! スバルの声聞いてると、元気が出てくるんだよ! ありがとう、スバル


Congrats on your 3rd Anniversary celebration! Been a Subatomo for 2 years now and it's a blast following your Growth over the 3 years! The Subatomo community has been a fun place to hang out and chat random stuff. Cheers to another year with Subaru!


Subaru, you are my favorite holomem without question, and really the reason I started watching vtubers at all. Thank you so much for everything you've brought to hololive and keep being a great person, officer Subaru!

Pedro Lucas

Hello,Subaru-Chan! Happy 3rd Anniversary! I just want to say that you mean a lot to me,and that this past year since i've know you was the best year of my life. You really are someone special that brings joy to everyone. Thank you for always being such a bright light of positivity and everything that is good,you have a special place in my heart,i love you! Also,you're a really cute and great idol,don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I haven’t watched vtubers for a very long time, but Subaru has always stood out to me as one of those personalities that always makes me smile, even on really terrible days. Happy 3rd Anniversary, Subaru, and thanks for all the laughs!! I hope you’ll be successful and happy in the days to come.




3周年おめでとうございます! スバルに出会って初めて“推し”という存在が出来て、人生が明るくなりました! 自分に出来ることは微々たるものですが、これからも応援していきます!




thank you subaru!! i became a fan after seeing a video about your past and how your house burned down, people offering shady jobs and you working hard while we were similiar in age. it helps motivate me when i need to work hard!! keep going!!

Ly (@HeyKDHR)

Subaru!! Happy 3rd Anniversary. Thank you for always giving us fun streams and giving effort to translate the weekly OhaSuba. It's really fun and enjoyable to watch Subaru having fun on her stream too. Take some breaks and have a good rest too sometimes. Looking forward to the 4th year. Goodluck!


Subaru-san Happy 3rd anniversary 🥳. I am grateful to spend time with you and I want to watch your streams more❤. Please stay perfect 💕.




スバルちゃん3周年おめでとうございます! 沢山笑わせてもらい沢山感動で泣かせてもらいした。 スバルちゃんを推し始めて約1年経ちましたが本当に毎日楽しい日々を送らせて貰ってます。 これからもずっと推していくので宜しくお願いします!


Hi Subaru!! It's been a year since I met you and I'm very grateful because your positivity is contagious! This year was rough but I always have a stream to look forward to. I really enjoy your streams, you're so bright, funny and cute and I'm sure that I'm not the only one having a big smile and laughing a lot while watching you. Also, I love your singing! You just keep getting better and better, it encourages me to keep making music and hopefully making people happy sharing it with them.


去年の暮からホロライブにハマってある日スバルちゃんの配信を観てから一気にスバルちゃんにハマってずっと応援してます! スバルちゃんの楽しそうにゲームやってる姿と喋ってるときと歌ってるときのギャップに惚れました!! これからも4周年に向けて喉改めお身体に気をつけて配信頑張ってくださいね!!!


新しい環境になかなか馴染めない時に大空スバルちゃんの配信に出逢いました。 暗い気持ちをいつも明るく照らしてくれるスバルちゃんが大大だーい好きです‼️‼️‼️ いつも楽しくて笑いが絶えない配信をありがとう!3周年おめでとうございます💮 これからもずっと応援してます👀👀💕


Subaru, congratulations on your 3rd anniversary!!! When I first saw your stream 2 years ago I immediately became interested in you and so I have always been watching your streams! I like how you are always funny and have tsukkomi for everything. Your dancing and singing is very good as well, so please have more confidence in yourself because we subatomo are always there to support you no matter what. Looking forward to another great year, and best wishes to you with hololive and your family!!!




Subaru-chan! 3周年おめでとうございます! I love Subaru-chan, she is just so 元気 and very 面白い. At first watching your 生放送 is very difficult because I can only understand a fragment of what you are saying but because of that it became an inspiration of mine to learn 日本語 so that when I watch your stream I can fully enjoy it. It's already been a year and a half becoming a スバ友, and I'm hoping that you will still continue to stream for years to come. スバル大好きだよ!スバルは僕にとって一番アイドルだよ!今までありがとうございました!

Ross Gresola

First and foremost, Happy 3rd debut Anniversary to the most beautiful, wonderful, bright, energetic Idol in the world. Thank you for always making me happy every time I see you stream, At first I didn't really have a favorite holomem. But Subaru is the one that grew on me, because Subaru is super cute and I love her laugh and her voice. I will continue supporting Subaru as long as I can.


Thank you for everything Subaru; everyone can tell you work really hard and we’re all grateful for all you do. Congratulations on your anniversary! I hope we can support you for many more!


Subaru, thank you for everything! We love you!!


スバル3周年おめでとう! かっこいいスバルも可愛いスバルも全部大好き!


Happy anniversary subao! Me and my friends love watching you. Your english is very good! keep up the good work and I wish you the best!




Happy 3rd anniversary! I am happy to see all the progress that you have made. Your streams and songs bring me a lot of happiness. I wish you the best for this year as well. Thank you for being you.


Best wishes to our lovely Subaru~! We all love you~


スバルちゃんデビュー3周年おめでとう!スバルちゃんがゲームも歌もどんどんうまくなっていく姿に励まされています。(見始めたの今年からだから元々うまかったけど) 自分の推しがスバルちゃんで良かった。大好き~!


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとうございます。最初は、よく言われている、なんやコイツ?からの1周回ってスバ友勢だった自分も、今では立派なアヒージョです。 これからも推していくので、楽しい配信をよろしくお願いします!




スバルちゃん3周年おめでとうー🥳‼ いつも楽しそうにしてる配信を見てこっちも楽しい気分になり、 常に前向きに頑張ってる姿を見て、自分も頑張ろうっ!って気持ちにさせてくれます。 自分にとっては、そんなスバルちゃんが1番のアイドルです😊 これからも、スバルちゃんの進む道を見守りながらも、少しでも力になれるよう応援していきます。




I only started watching Hololive & vtubers 3 months ago. After discovering hololive, I kept on watching Hololive videos because Subaru-chan's content is always energetic and it always makes me laugh a lot. I also watched some past clips including your journey before becoming a hololive member. The story makes me realize that I need to work hard to overcome the obstacles given in life. Thank you for all your content, I will keep on supporting you as an idol even though i was few years late.


Subaru! I can not believe that it is your 3rd Anniversary. It only feels like last week when I first started watching you, not 18 months ago! Thank you so much for the good times and fun streams! Wishing you only the best in for this upcoming year! Go out there and give it your all!


Thank you Subaru for making my life bright! I will always support you. Keep being the sun for subatomos all around the world!


Subaruuu, congrats on your 3rd anniversary !! I hope that your journey as a vtuber will be the smoothest and the most happy memories in your life !! Thank you for keeping us subatomo happy with your fun and hillarious streams !!

Alkahf,Jr. @iyskeyhold

YO Subaru! Happy 3rd anniversary!! I was not around last year, but I feel happy that I've known you these past 7 months. You are really funny, cute, interesting, hardworking, unique, energetic, and you are the brightest and the loudest Idol Vtuber on earth! lol I hope you can achieve your dreams, so let's do our best this year too! and we'll celebrate again next year!!!! Bye-bye

Alkahf,Jr. @iyskeyhold
たけゆき @_takeyukii

スバルちゃん、活動3周年おめでとうございます!!! 日々の活動が忙しい中、配信し続けてくれて本当にありがとう! チャンネル登録者数100万人を突破してもいい意味で安定することなくチャレンジし続けるスバルちゃんのことを本当に尊敬します。また、本当に自慢の推しだって感じています。 忙しい日が続くと思いますが時には休みつつ、体調に気をつけて元気に過ごしてください。 まだまだ新参のスバ友ですがこれからもずっとずっと応援していきます!スバルちゃん、がんばえ~!!!

Secret admirer

CONGRATULATIONSSSS, I really enjoy your videos and I am very happy when watching them. Always wishing you the best! Always be happy and healthy! Happy 3rd Anniversary!!!, Lots of love from Phillipines


Dear Subaru, you are the most amazing girl I have ever met. Your spirit and cheerfulness guides us to get through the day, every day.

B Bees

Congratulation on your 3rd year anniversary Idol Subaru!! I became your fan about 1 year ago and now you are my favorite idol. Your energy and passion is the reason why I love you the most. Keep on and chase your dream! We Subatomo will always support you!


Hello Subaruーsan! Congrats on your 3rd anniversary! It has been a great joy to watch your streams and being able to watch you play games and tell funny stories. I'm not good at long messages so I just want to say, thank you for being very cool and I wish you the best for the future!


Hi, Subaru!! Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary! We're all so happy you've been around for three whole years, and can't wait to see what else you'll do!!


スバルちゃん!三周年記念おめでとうございます! いつも元気すぎるスバルちゃんは僕の太陽だ!いつまでも応援するね! 大好きだよ!! -ピーン祭り


Happy 3rd Anniversary SUBARU!!!! Thank you for always making me laugh with whatever you do. You stream anything and make it really interesting and amusing without getting anyone bored. I always try to watch your streams even though I don't understand japanese or when I'm working. I hope you'll believe in yourself more and gain more confidence, anything you make will make us happy, we'll always be ready to support you. HAPPY 3RD ANNIVERSARY AGAIN AND TO MANY MORE TO COME!!!!


Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary Subaru! You came really far in your idol career and we are all really proud of you! I can't wait to see more of your dancing, singing and having more fun times together!


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう!!!! スバルちゃんを推して、気が付いたらもう3周年… 魅力がいっぱいありすぎてまだまだ応援し足りないくらいだよ! 4年目も頑張ってー!沢山沢山応援してるよ!大好きだよー!


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう🎉🎉🎉 スバルちゃんに出会ってまだ一年ちょっとだけど、元気な声や楽しそうな姿にパワーを分けてもらって毎日を過ごしています。 アイドルしてる時も芸人してる時も最高に輝いているので、これからも全力で自分の思う道を駆けて行ってください、それを全力で応援していきます! これまでもこれからも大好きだ!!!


Happy 3rd Anniversary, Subaru! Thank you for making our hearts and days brighter! Watching your streams make me smile and laugh. Whenever I am tired or sad, I watch your streams, then I am happy again! I also love your singing. I think you have improved a lot from last year! I listen to your covers a lot and I love it! I wish you happiness and health! I love you!


Congratulations Shuba on your 3rd Anniversary! I haven't been watching for a long time but I like watching your streams..I hope you stay for a long time and I look forward for more of your streams


すばるちゃん!3周年記念おめでとうございます!かわいさと笑いと涙と感動をありがとう!!!これからも何が起こるかとても楽しみにしています! 益々の活躍と健康と発展を祈っております!あじまる!




Thank you for always giving your best the last 3 years. I will be always rooting for you.


Happy third anniversary Subaru-san! I hope you can be as healthy as you can be when you work very hard to be entertaining and be yourself throughout the years. Thank you for being energetic in your streams, calming and funny in TwitCasting and 雑談 streams, and being very cute in concerts. Thank you for working very hard and having a break when you deserve it! Two million Subatomos is just around the corner!!! 頑張ってください!




Congratulations, Subaru for reaching your 3rd year in Hololive! It's been a rough year gotta admit, but ever since I have fallen into this giant hole, every day has been filled with laughter and joy. Thank you <3


Subaru, you are my favorite vtuber period. I can't tell you the amount of times you've made me smile because of how adorable you are. You have the perfect personality that makes you so lovable!


Subaru has pulled me out of a tough spot. After finding out about her, she's helped me smile once again and helped me see the good side of things. Minor inconveniences used to bother me so much but after hearing what Subaru has gone through in her life and how she still manages to push through, it inspires me to do the same. I may not be able to support her directly but I will always be there to watch her streams whenever I can. Thank You Subaru and congratulations on your third anniversary! ^^

John L

Happy 3rd Anniversary, Subaru-chan! Congratulations on your 3rd year of being an idol at Hololive! You have grown so much and have become such a great and inspiring idol. I am very proud of you, and all your hard work. Keep up the great work! I wish you the best on the many more years to come.


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう! いつもスバルちゃんには生きる活力を頂いてます!!これからも全力全開で推していきます!!!


スバルちゃん三周年おめでとう!!! いつもスバルちゃんの配信、オリ曲から元気を貰っています! 歌が苦手だと言っていたのに、ファンのために頑張って練習してくれていてその努力が伝わってきて凄く嬉しい! 体に気をつけてこれからも配信頑張ってください!


スバルちゃん!デビューから3周年おめでとう!!! 企画やゲームにお歌など、スバルちゃんのどれもが成長していて、本当に凄いと思う! どんどん進んでいくスバルちゃんをこれからも応援し続けていくのでよろしく! 俺の推しは最高だ!!!!!!


Thank you Oozora Subaru for the best contents and congratulations for your 3rd Anniversary!! Keep 'em coming and stay frosty👊😎


Thank you for being an incredible and bright person. You made me dive in this wonderful rabbit hole. And I regret nothing of it. When I was doing badly in my life. I could always look forward to your streams. They helped a ton with getting back on my feet, and pushing through with life. Don’t ever doubt yourself on not being good enough. Or anything like that. You are helping lots of people by just being there. Anyways, thank you. I’m looking forward to the many things to come.


Happy third anniversary Subaru-chan!!! I've been following you for a bit more than a year and it has been a wonderful time, your streams had been always a moment in which I can relax and enjoy, one of my goals is to learn Japanese and chat more during your live streams cause I am a Shubanobi, most of the time I just chat during members streams and your live streams cause I feel we need to cheer you during those, I really hope you gain more confidence in it. Looking forward to the 3D anniversary !






I recently got to know your past and I want to say you are a strong person. I can not imagine myself doing part time job and other activities while attending to school. I am extremely happy you are living better now! I want to be like you. To have a strong will and mind set! You are amazing! Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary!


Congrats Subaru!!! You are the reason why I got into hololive and also how I got many friends into it as well! Hope to see your great future ahead!🐥



蔡宇安 @a1r2t3i4e5

スバル、おめでとう! 君はいつも僕を嬉しいにすることができます! 僕にとて、君わ太陽に似ているではありません、君は太陽その物です。あの眩しい笑顔と声はこの世界の光です!



Lyle L.

I am a grateful fan of the greatest idol of all time shuba~


スバルちゃん! 3周年おめでとう! いつもスバルちゃんの配信で元気をもらってます! これからも楽しく活動していってください! 応援してます! メスバル最高!


Congrats for your 3rd anniversary Subaru-chan!!! I've just started to watch and support you this June after watching some of your videos, and immediately fell in love. I cried so hard when I saw you crying at the 2nd anniversary because you didn't have a 3d concert. I'm really glad you have a concert this year!!! Even though people making memes of you being a duck or anything else, in my eyes from the start, you have been always an idol. I really like your singing. Please have more confidence!!!




スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう!!! とっっっても素晴らしいアイドルだよー!!!

Country Fields

スバル,3周年おめでとう シュバ! Subaru is always genki and cute and hard-working and that is what we love about Subaru! I look forward to another year of entertaining video content by Subaru and friends


Happy anniversary, I hope you all the best. I hope you find your joy in your life and can share with every one that close to you. regards subatomo~


Subaru, thank you very much for the wonderful content you have provided us through out these years. You are the reason I fell into this rabbit hole. Since then you have never failed to put a smile on my face. We all look forward to many more cute duck moments from you. Wishing you and your family all the best and great health.




Thank you for always making my day brighter with your heartwarming energy. You have motivated me to learn japanese, because of how much your english has improved from the first time I watched you. I hope that you release more original songs and covers, because your voice is amazing. Thank you for trying so hard to make your awesome content understandable to us, your overseas viewers and happy 3rd anniversary Subaru!


スバゥー!!!!! デビュー3周年本当におめでとう!!!! いつも配信をガンバって!沢山企画考えて!苦手なゲームをガンバって!お友達と沢山遊んで!ダンスをガンバって覚えて!すっっごく苦手なお歌は特にガンバって!! いつもいつもたーーーくさんガンバってるスバゥが大好き!!! スバゥの笑顔と、笑い声が大大大好き!!!! これからまた1年、たくさん遊んでこー!!!!!

Albert Einstein

Past 3 years was very fun shuba. Always remember and be proud that you have helped people get through tough times. 1 million now, 10 million more!


スバル!3周年おめでとう! これからも元気に、明るく、自分らしく活動頑張ってください。いつまでも応援しています✨


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとうございます!!!!(〃^∇^) いつも楽しませてくれてありがとう~!!o(〃^▽^〃)o スバルちゃんに会えて本当に良かった!! これからもずっとずっと応援してるから!!!(。´ω`。)ノ♡


Best of wishes for the girl that never gives up!


Happy 3rd anniversary to my all time favorite idol Subaru🎉❤😊 I found about you and hololive only some months ago. But you gave me so much fun and memorable moments. Let's have a wonderful anniversary with everyone Subaru chan💞

ゼッド海外ニキ @yosoro120462

大空スバルへ 一年半前にYouTubeからスバルの切り抜きでそ太陽のような元気な女の子が見つかりました。 スバル色んな面白い企画によって僕はこのホロライブという世界にハマりました。日本のvtuberですから日本語を喋ることは当たり前だけど、スバルは正極的に英語で海外ニキとコミュニケーションを取ることは本当に嬉しかった。 スバルは困難から乗り越える今は本物のアイドルになったことは誰でも思わないだろう。ステージに立つ歌うの姿はマジ誰より眩しかった。 今ここに僕の気持ちを伝えておきます キラキラ輝きのアヒルアイドルに 3週年おめでとうございます!!これからもよろしくお願いします。






スバルちゃん3周年おめでとうございます! 高校卒業までメンバー加入やスパチャ投げが出来ませんが、これからもずっと応援してます!! スバル大好きー!!!


Subaru, Happy 3rd debut Anniversary! Thank you so much for your efforts to make everyone smile , when watching you every moment is filled with laughter and joy! We will always support and love you!.


Congratulations on the 3rd anniversary! Thank you for your positive outlook on life and your efforts to interact with fans around the world. May you continue to be bubbly and free-spirited in your endeavours!


Congratulations Subaru for 3rd Anniversary!! Its been a long journey with the Ups and Downs you had in Hololive but you are what you are right now, An Idol.


Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary Subaru!!! 🎉🎉🎉 I'm so glad that through you, I became more interested in knowing about Hololive and Vtubers, so thank you!! I love how energetic you always are. Your streams never fail to make me laugh 😆 I especially love Ohasuba and your singing streams. Your singing is really beautiful and your stories are always interesting. ☀️ May you continue to do what you love in your 4th year! Don't push yourself too much and always take care of your health. 🐣


Hello Subaru! I just discovered you this month, and you are now my favorite Vtuber! I am glad to have discovered you and all of Hololive. I hope you have many more anniversaries and stream for a long time!

Julian Adam

Happy 3rd anniversary Subaru!! Your streams are always fun to watch and give me energy to continue the day. Thank you for your hard work.






Thank you for all the fun times during this year!!! Here is to another fun year!!!




3周年おめでとうございます! 今年から見始めてまだ日が浅いけど本当にスバルちゃんの毎日の配信で日々の楽しみが出来ています! スバルちゃんは尊敬してるし最高の推しだって胸を張って言える!これからの4年目もそれ以降もずっと応援しています!


Subaru-chan, you are an inspiration. You have a story of determination and positivity that makes me smile whenever I hear it. You are my favorite tomboy, and I have loved listening to you tell us stories on FreeTalk. I also love your games (currently enjoying your FF7 playthrough, as it is a favorite game of mine), and I love how you interact with other Holomems. Keep doing your best, and know that the Subatomo love you!


Congratulations for the third anniversary! Thank you for keeping us happy for three years, and looking forward for more after this!




Hello! I have been following Subaru for around almost a year now and I appreciate the time and effort you do in your streams and concerts. At first i didn't think I would like you because of your voice but after hearing you sing and seeing clips of your life stories I was hooked! You can be someone that can have so much energy at the same time someone who I can also relax to. Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary and I hope you have more anniversaries!


Happy 3rd anniversary Subaru! The first Vtuber I found, the one who dragged me into the rabbit hole, and the one who showed me that hard work pays off. Cheers to you and to the many more memories to come!


To the best girl, Subaru. Congratulations on three years of Hololive! Thank you for the great times throughout the years, especially these recent ones which have been hard for everyone. You've helped us to laugh, to cry, and to ultimately enjoy our days more, so really, from the deepest points of our hearts, thank you!


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう! ゲーム配信や多くの企画、他では見れないような配信や歌などいろいろなものを見せてくれるスバルちゃんのおかげで毎日楽しいよ! これからも配信だったり、アイドル活動だったりなどいろんなことに挑戦スバルちゃんのことを楽しみにしてるし、応援しているよ! 3周年本当におめでとう!!! これからもよろしく!!!


Happy 3rd Anniversary Subaru-san! Thank you for giving me many good memories of your streams and for being very happy, it makes my days happy also. I am looking forward to many more fun streams and events you are in. Congratulations!!




Congratulations on your third anniversary! It's been quite a ride, hasn't it? We'll be with you until the very end!

みかく @mikaku_i

3周年おめでとうっ!!! スバルちゃんと出会ってからたくさんの笑顔をいただきました✨ 日々成長するスバルちゃんに心を打たれ、自分も毎日を全力で過ごすことができています。 忙しい日々だと思いますが、無理せず自分のペースで生活を楽しんでください。 これから先の活動も楽しみに、ずっと応援しております。

みかく @mikaku_i
Ragin' Canadian

Subaru, Happy anniversary! I am so proud of you, and I am so happy to be a fan with all the other Subatomos. Your voice is so enchanting, and your enthusiasm makes each stream something special. I'm happy your hard work has paid off - here's to your greater success in the future!


Thank you for all your time and hard work to give us viewers the best experience! <3


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう! スバルちゃんの配信を見るようになったのは1年ほど前です。スバルちゃんの配信により引き篭もるしかない休日を楽しく過ごせるようになりました。 スバルちゃんに人生を救われた!とまでは言いませんが、スバルちゃんの配信で間違いなく人生が明るくなりました! 私にとって、スバルちゃんはまさに太陽少女です。 これからも元気に楽しく配信して、みんなを明るく照らしてください!


3周年おめでとうございます! まだスバ友歴は浅いですが、これからも応援し続けます!

Monochrome Kaze

Honestly, Thanks for all the great content Subaru. Your energy and stories bring me happiness in times where I have nothing to be happy about. I hope most of your days will be happy ones. ありがとう。


Happy 3rd anniversary, Subaru! Thank you for always working hard! One year ago, I found you and I really wanted to support you since then. From now on, I'll keep always supporting you! I love you!


おめでとうございます!! Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary! I've been supporting you for almost a year now and it's been really fun~! All the hard work and effort you put into your streams, your singing, your dancing is truly admirable! Everytime I watch you, you're always able to put a smile on my face! How could I not love you? I want to be as cool, as cute and as dedicated as you are. Your dancing is too cute!! Ahh! Three amazing years of Oozora Subaru! Here's to many more~!!!


Happy third anniversary Subaru! You were the one who piqued my interest when I first discovered Hololive and I've watched you ever since then. I wish you a great third anniversary and I hope you keep making all of us smile!


Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary Subaru!!! It's been a year since I started watching your videos, since then my days have become more enjoyable, your passion spread to me and to overcome my daily obstacles became easier. Seeing you working so hard made me want to give my best too. I will keep suporting you until the end, you deserve the best and I hope you achieve all you propose. To me you are the brightest idol! Thank you for everything you do to entertain us. Love, from Spain.


Dear Subaru, I only found out about hololive 2 months ago, so I dont have many experiences with Hololive members. But your streams are one of my favorite streams. Watching your streams makes me feel happy because you always know how to make jokes. I love the series where people send you criminal evidence of other Hololive members. Thank you for everything you have done for Hololive and us, Congratulations!! <3


Congratulations on your third anniversary! I love your voice, your cheerful attitude, and that you always make a big effort to make your overseas fans feel included! I hope you can continue to bring joy to people for as long as you wish.


Subaru-san! Happy Anniversary! It has been 3 years of joy, what a journey! I wish the best for you and more power to you as my favorite streamer, we love you always! Big Hugs and Supports!


デビューしてから三年!自分は二年ちょいしか見れてないけど、このスバルに出会えてからの時間は本当にあっという間だった!!本当に三周年おめでとう!!! いつも楽しい時間を、感動の瞬間を与えてくれてありがとう!これからも一緒に楽しい思い出を作っていきたい!!大好きです!!!!




Happy 3rd anniversary, Subaru! You always inspire me. I’ll forever be your fan! I’ll always love and support you!


 まずは3周年おめでとう!という一言から始めるくらい語彙力に乏しいことをお許し下さい()すばるさま。 おふざけはこのくらいとしておきます。唐突ですが私の初めての推しはスバルです。私はこれまで推し活というものをしてこなかったのですが、推し活を初めて1年以上、この期間がこれまでの人生史上最も楽しい時間だったといっても過言ではありません。スバルの配信を見るたびに得られる活力、エネルギーが日々の生活にとても役立っていると感じています。そのうえスバルのおかげで新しい趣味が増えて人生がより華やかになりました。他にもいろいろ楽しいと思えるエフェクトを貰えて感謝で一杯です。  なんだかお堅い文章になってしまいましたが私のメッセージの意図は汲み取っていただけましたでしょうか。 最期に、繰り返しにはなってしまいますがスバル3周年おめでとう!


Congrats Subaru on 3 years of being a funny, wholesome and lovable idol.


Happy anniversary Shuba!!! You have always make our days brighter and give us so much to look forward to everyday. Your cheerful personality always makes me happy everyday whenever I watch your streams. Thank you!! ❤️

Wei Zhong

Thank you for all the laughs over the past 10 months. I am trying to learn Japanese because of you. Really appreciate the hard work and constant engagement with us despite the language barrier. We will support you always :) どもう ありがとう ございます!


Happy anniversary Subaru!!!! Ever since this pandemic started you and your streams have made me smile through these tough times. Even though I don't know any japanese, I still love to hear you sing. You are my number one idol! Please keep doing your best!


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとぉ! スバルちゃんを知ってまだ1年経ってない未熟者ではありますが、みんなより遅れた分推していきたいと思いますぜ!これからの1年、更にスバルちゃんに良い事がありますように!!

Edward Lee

Thank you Subaru for helping me through 2020.. Your humor, wit, and charm helped me get through those dark days! I'll be forever grateful...



シュー🚑アヒージョ @datenxx1

スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう!!! 3年も頑張り続けてきたのはとってもすごいことだと思う!これからもずっと応援していくので、スバルちゃんらしく、楽しみながら頑張ってね!全力でついていくよ!!!スバルちゃんの全てが大好き!!!


Congratulations on your third anniversary Subaru! I absolutely love you and your content, your streams always make my day. It's always so fun to sit and watch you play games and do other random yet interesting streams. I will always watch and support you!


Subaru, thank you for your hard work! Watching you grow is so inspiring. You are one of the reasons that I can keep on smiling! Happy 3rd anniversary!


スバルの楽しそうに配信する声、その声にいつも元気を貰っています! 4年目はどんなスバルを見られるか楽しみです!!!


Hello Subaru, I'm a big fan of yours and I just wanted to wish my favorite idol a Happy Anniversary! I hope you enjoy this fan art, I do have a very cartoony art style lol


活動3周年おめでとう!!! 登録者100万人を迎えての3周年! これまでのスバルちゃんにありがとう!!色んなものを貰いました! これからのスバルちゃんの活動、冒険もわくわくが止まらねぇ!! 1ファンとしてこれからも追いかけますよろしくお願いします!!!!


Congratulations! Thank you for always working so hard Subaru! You always put smiles on our faces. Subatomo loves you! ♡


3周年おめでとうございます! 自分はまだスバ友になって1年も経っていないけれど、心から尊敬している人であり最高の推しです! いつも配信でたくさんの元気を貰っています! これからもずっと推していくぞ!!!!!!!! 改めて、 スバルちゃん活動3周年おめでとう!


スバルん3周年おめでとう!!2周年からあっという間だったけどいつも楽しい配信ありがとうね!!スバルんのゲームやお歌やダンス、すごい上達していってるのが伝わるよ!! 私の1番で最高の推しだよ!!!大好きだよ!!4周年に向けて突っ走れーー!!!

Hollow San

Subaru congratulations on your 3 year anniversary! You've achieved so much in these past 3 years, as a Suba-tomo it's been an absolute joy to experience your upbeat personality every stream. Thank you for always being a shining beacon of happiness to your fans!


スバルちゃんを初めて見た時は「この子面白いな」くらいでした 見続けていくうちに無邪気な一面、可愛い一面、真剣な一面など 色んな面を感じて、どんどん配信を見るのが楽しみになりました 今では1日の始めに配信予定を確認して予定を考えるほどです スバルちゃん、3周年おめでとう! これからも大好きです


3周年本当におめでとう! スバルちゃんの明るい姿を見て元気と勇気を貰っています! いつも大変な努力をしてスバ友達が喜ぶようなことをしてくれてありがとう! これからもずっと応援していくよ〜


Hope you have a great anniversary! You always bring happiness on your streams so I hope we can share some of that happiness with you. I'm still new at drawing so I'll post fanart next year. Congratulations!


Subaru-chan, congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary! Thank you for your hard work. At first, your voice was really too loud for me to handle. However, the outstanding Subaru community managed to pull me in and I became your fan. The community Subaru created is very wholesome, kind, loyal, and cheerful! Therefore, I decided to become a Subatomo. Arigato Gozaimasu!🦆❤️



Cherka Derka

Thank you for all the fun Subaru. I have enjoyed watching you. Subaru is a splendid entertainer, a fantastic idol, and incredibly kind. Your energy and positivity has helped me get through some extremely dark periods in my life and I am incredibly grateful for that. I will continue to support you all the way! Happy 3rd Anniversary and I hope to see many more!


スバルちゃん!三周年おめでとうございます!!o(>∀<*)o いつも元気をくれる楽しい配信ありがとう! いつもリスナーの為にいっぱい頑張ってくれて本当にありがとう! これからも元気!可愛い!たまにカッコいい!そんなスバルちゃんをず~と応援していくよ!!٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و


すばるちゃん3周年おめでとう! 元気で明るく楽しいすばるちゃんを見ていると、僕まで元気になってきます いつも本当にありがとう おかげで愉快なすば友と沢山友達になれて、充実した毎日を送れています これからも体に気をつけて、配信を頑張ってください! 楽しみにしていますーーー



Broke Sternum

Thank you for all the streams you do, I enjoy all the ones I'm able watch even if I cant understand them! Keep doing what you're doing at your own pace and make sure to stay healthy while at it! I will keep continuing to support you for as long as I'm able to!


スバルちゃん3周年おめでとー!!!! いつもスバルちゃんの明るくて楽しんでいる配信を楽しませてもらってます! 苦手なことを頑張って克服しようとする姿がかっこよくて、尊敬しているよ! そしてなによりスバルちゃんはかわいい💕 これからも無理のない程度に頑張ってね!


Happy 3rd anniversary!ホロライブでデビューから3年間の活動!Filled with unstoppable fun and energy packed streams and other things!今後からこそまた皆で楽しく時間を過ごして行こう!I'll be continuing to support you with all my best!最高のアイドルのスバルちゃん大好き!Lastly thank you so much for everything in the last 3 years!






Congrats for your 3 years of streaming ! You're a very inspiring person, stay as you are ! Lots of love from Belgium


Thank you Subaru and Happy 3rd Anniversary! Your laughter, screams, and interactions with the community have always made me smile and will continue to do so. Best wishes!


Congrats on your 3rd year anniversary Subaru! You've come such a long way. As a subatomo, I'm very proud of you and appreciate all of the hard work you've done. Please continue to be the Subaru we all love in the coming years!

Seth Abernathy

I am so happy with all of the hard work you put into your streams and outside stuff Subaru, here's to another year of success!


Hello Subaru-Chan! It doesn’t feel real that it’s been 3 years. Your streams make me incredibly happy and make me laugh a lot, especially SMOK. You are very inspirational. ( ^ω^ ) Congratulations on 3 years!



Liron Kabizon/Senator Pancakes

HAPPY 3RD ANNIVERSARY SUBARU! You're the best, no matter if it's as a duck or an Idol! Your duck side is amazing because you're funny! Your Idol side is amazing because your voice is beautiful!


スバルちゃん、3周年おめでとう🎉🎉🎉 ここまでよく頑張ってきました!えらい! これから先も長いのですから、焦らずに元気で健康に気をつけて、決して無理はせずに頑張りましょう!


Subaru is very, very cute idol who makes my day. Happy 3rd anniversary!


Your streams are awesome! You're one of my favorites in Hololive. Congrats on reaching 1 million subscribers. Hope you'll continue streaming and other related activities but do keep yourself healthy and take a break sometimes if you're unwell.


Hello Subaru, congratulations on 3rd Anniversary! Subaru you always find a way to put a smile on my face no matter the situation and for that I'm very thankful to you! Your hell streams are some of the funniest I've seen in my life! I'm very thankful that once in a while you would sing for us, trust me when I say that we can feel and know that you are doing your best for us every time. We love you just the way you are and we will still love you in the future even if you change! CONGRATULATIONS!


Hi Subaru! Happy anniversary! I'm a new fan, However I'm happy to be in the community. Thanks for everything you do! Your positive energy is amazing. As an introvert I truly admire you, And your hard work. I'm not much, But I'll definitely do my best to contribute even a little bit to make your anniversary nice. Happy anniversary! Love from new Subatomo!


Accidentally seeing one of your videos is something I don't regret. Watching you is one of the best things I've done. Your cheerful, great and positive personality helped me a lot. Your voice gives off a calm and nostalgic vibe. You influenced my life so much that I hope someday I can repay you but I'm still dependent so the only thing I can offer right now is moral support. Let me start with this. Happy 3rd Anniversary Subaru! I hope you'll be more successful in the future. Suki desu!


Congrats on your 3rd anniversary, Subaru! It's been a year and a half since I first encountered your channel, and all this time you have inspired me to keep going and do my best in every single aspect of my life! I hope you continue this good and adorable energy you have to the end of time. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything, Subaru. ❤


Suba chan!!!!! I really love your energy!!!!!!! It has been over a year since I started watching hololive and you have always been one of my favourites. Especially your energy! It is literally through the roof. After I found out about your struggles, my respect towards you skyrocketed. You are an inspiration. Love you a lot. SHUBAAAAAA




スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう! いつも元気いっぱいな配信をしてくれるスバルちゃんのおかげで 毎日が楽しくて幸せになりました! 元気いっぱいで努力家なスバルちゃん!そんなスバルちゃんに勇気をもらい 新しいことにも挑戦することができました! スバルちゃんの3周年といううれしい瞬間に立ち会えることを光栄に思います! いつも本当にありがとう!これからも体調に気を付けて元気いっぱいなスバルちゃんで いてください! 3周年おめでとう!これからもよろしくお願いします!


Happy anniversary Subaru!!! Since I found your channel last year, you've constantly made my day better even at its worst! I wish you more success to come in the future!!


Happy anniversary Subaru-sama! I will always think of you as a club manager and a amazing friend to hang around with! -Many loves from a Canadian viewer


Congrats Subaru on your 3rd anniversary! I have been following your channel for a year now, you are my favorite hololive girl! Your videos are always fun and entertaining and I find you are a kind, thoughtful and hardworking person. Please keep up the good work and I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!




スバルちゃん3周年おめでとう!! いつも笑顔の配信、そして精一杯努力しているところを見て元気をもらっています。スバルのおかげで毎日もう少し頑張って、もう少しハッピーに生きて行こうとしています。こんなご時世なんですが、今年はちょっと楽におくれている気がします。 あ~スバルを推しにして良かったって毎回配信を見て思っています。 これからきっと大変なことや笑顔のままでいられない時もあろうと思いますが、すばともとしてずっと応援しています! Your English and communication ability has also improved a lot, and all of the subatomos definitely appreciate it ;)


Hello Subaru. CONGRATULATIONS!!! It's your 3rd anniversary!! I only found you a couple of months ago but the happy times you've given me may as well be a life time! Thank you for ypur hard work and I hope to keep giving you my support for a long time more! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!


Hi Subaru! Congrats on your 3rd anniversary! It's been so fun watching you grow as an idol and entertainer and you never fail to bring a smile to my face. Your energy is contagious and seeing you happy about something makes me excited too. Thank you for all the content and I hope to see even greater things from you in the future!




スバルちゃんへ!! 3周年おめでとう!!いつもスバ友のために体を張ったり、楽しい企画を立ててくれてありがとう!!スバルちゃんがこれからもずっと笑っていられるように微力ながら応援してるよ!!!4周年も地球&テラで頑張っていくッス!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congratulations on your third anniversary Subaru! Even though I only started to watch Hololive in early 2020, I always loved your positive attitude and amazing amounts of energy you have. When I saw you live in the 2nd fes and bloom it only reaffirmed my thoughts that you are a great entertainer and a really cute and amazing idol. Never change how you are because that's the most special thing about you. I'll continue to support you forever. With love, a really big fan <3.


Hello Subaru!! Congratulations on reaching your 3rd anniversary in Hololive. I love watching your streams and hearing your voice!


I'm really glad I found Subaru. I wish you the best, I hope you have good health and a good internet connection for the coming year.


しゅばーう3周年おめでとう!!!!今年はセカンドライブやbloom、スバルちゃんのアニソン担当等ビッグイベントが目白押しでしたね。 各所でお祝いメッセージを書いてるのでぶっちゃけ書けることは多くはないですが(笑)、事務所の炎上やあれやそれや色んな事があった中スバルちゃんが元気に3周年を迎えられた事、私もそれに立ち会えた事が何よりも喜ばしい事だと思います。 3年近くスバルちゃんを推してきて、スバルちゃんがデッカくなるにつれてちょっとガチ恋とか名乗るのは引け目を感じてきましたが、それでもスバルちゃんは依然として私の1番のアイドルです。これからも、突っ走ってください。


僕がスバルちゃんを見始めてから約1年が経ちました!最初はASMRの切り抜きからきて流行り神の配信からみたんだけどそこからハマりずっとみてきた他のみんなに比べたら短いかもだけどスバルちゃんが頑張ってダンスや歌などを練習していて本当に努力家でかわいいくて面白いなと思い スバ友からしたら本当に自慢の推しだよ!!!! これからも応援していくからスバルちゃんも頑張ってね!!


Happy Debut Anniversary!!! The first liver I ever watched, and easily my favorite. Thanks for being so awesome! <3


Congrats on your 3rd anniversary, Subaru! I first found out about you late 2018, and I've enjoyed your contents since then. One that makes you the most special to me is the fact that you work so, so hard. All the stories of your rather rough childhood, and all the unfortunate happenings, yet here you are, still doing your best, and I respect you a lot for that. You really are the sun of Hololive. Once again, congratulations! Here's to another exciting year~


Thank you for all the laughs Subaru, it is very fun. I really appreciate Subaru's effort in learning English. Congratulations Subaru on the 3rd Anniversary!!! Have fun!!!




Happy 3rd Anniversary Shubaaa!! I am glad and happy that you managed to go through your obstacles and still be able to keep your positivity up and spread joy to us. Besides, you always has been one of my favourite vtubers and I truly appreciated for you having to stay in hololive to continue your journey, GOOD LUCK!!!

めおぷん @meopen429


めおぷん @meopen429

Thanks for being yourself, as a lovely duck, a shiny idol, and a liver who get so close to her fans, I’ll つっと be your subatomo.(sorry Japanese and English are not my first language)


Subaru, I've been grateful since the day I saw one of your streams. You make lots of people happy: friends, family and us total strangers. As a follower I really admire all the dedication and effort you put in your work. You always came up with interesting and really fun ideas for us to enjoy with you and other holo members as well. It's been already 3 years, time flies away when you are making precious memories! We will support you until the end of time, happy 3rd anniversary Subaru!


Greetings from Scotland! Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary, Subaru-chan! I started watching you in 2021, and you inspired me to become a VTuber. I will continue to cheer you on! Thank you for all your work!


スバルちゃん3周年本当におめでとうございます! 私はまだ半年ちょっとの新参スバ友です。しかし、この半年でスバルちゃんからとても多くのものを貰いました。それは私が自身の日常生活では得られない感情や発想です。 スバルちゃんがアイドルとして努力している姿、RPG プレイの感想やシナリオから得た感動、ゲームであっても諦めない姿、努力し続ける姿勢、仲間との関係など、その全ては私が自身の生活では得られない感情や発想、心の動きでした。間違いなく私は、スバルちゃんを追うことで得た心の動きや感動で圧倒的に人間として成長することができました。 スバルちゃんはいつも配信で元気をくれます。それはスバルちゃんが配信でそうなるように努力している事の1つかと思います。しかし、それ以上に多くのものをスバ友は皆スバルちゃんから貰っていると思います。それはスバルちゃんの努力や仕事に対する姿勢などから生まれていると思います。ここまで書いて分かるように、スバ友の多くは大空スバルの事を心から尊敬しています。当然私もその一人です。 心から尊敬する私の推し 大空スバル様の幸せを願って、お祝いの文章とさせていただきます。




omedetou shuba, thank you for your streams! You are always fun and entertaining to watch regardless of what you do. You are indeed the sun of hololive




活動3周年おめでとう!!!🥳🎉 スバルちゃんがホロライブとして活動して3年も経つと考えると感慨深いなぁ… 1年目の突発的な事でびっくりさせる芸人的配信見ててとても面白かった! 1年目後半から2年目のアイドル路線活動。 NSSでのお歌や2nd Fesアイドル衣装とキレのあるダンス、bloom,のARダンスそのどれもがスバルちゃんの努力が見えて感動したよ😭 3年目も変わらず沢山応援するよー!!! これからもよろしくねスバルちゃん💪✨


Dear Subaru, thank you for always wanting to include your English-speaking viewers in your talking streams with translations. Your streams always help calm me after a stressful day and whenever I hear you sing, I smile. Congratulations on your 3rd Anniversary!


出会ったのは去年。 友達から『伝説のASMR配信』の公式切り抜きのURLを送られた事から始まりました。 初めは、この人面白いな程度に追っていました。 アイドルが好きとかでもなく、熱中するものがあまり無かった自分にとって、Vにハマる事は無いだろうと思いながら。 ただそれでも、時間がある時に配信を覗きに行ったりしていました。 気がつけば、バイト前の配信の予告ツイを見て悔しく、代わりに毎週土曜の午前10時には待機していました。ゲームや企画、コラボなど色々な配信を見ていくうちに、スバルちゃんの全力さ、というか真っ直ぐさに惹かれ、ハマっていました。 テスト勉強しながら雑談聞いたり、グッズ用の軍資金のためにバイトを頑張れたり。スバルちゃんが頑張る姿を見ると、ウジウジしてる自分が情けなくなり、もっと自分も頑張ろうと、とても元気を貰えます。自分が頑張れる原動力になっています。 言葉で表現するのが著しく下手くそなので、上手く伝わるか分かりませんが、感謝しています。 スバルちゃん。改めておめでとう。 そしてありがとう。


Subaru-san is engaging, funny and when she shows her very feminine side everyone falls for her! Subaru is why I started liking vtubers! Thank you for all the laughs, Subaru-san! Please be mine!


すばるちゃん、三周年本当におめでとう! これからもずっと応援してるよ!


Having been a follower for a long time, I can hardly find any content creator out there at all who has consistently brought me more smiles than you have. It's crazy to think 3 years has already passed, but I can only wish that things can keep going from here. Whether you're catching more criminals and bringing them to justice, or just vibing to who knows what next, may you have another great 3+ years to come, you beautiful duck~


Happy 3rd Annivasery Oozora Subaru! Your stream feels very energetic and having a lot of fun makes you stood out from from many other vtuber. There is also some kind of unique charisma that I found in you which makes me as viewers feels lighthearted whenever I open your steam. Your best content for me is your ''OhaSuba'' segment and I wish you all the best in your future stream as Vtuber. You are my favorite and No.1!



Rabby Lacierda

To my favorite duck and the person I love watching, it’s already been 3 years, congratulations on your work. You work hard and very energetic in your work. Thank you for cheering me up when I watch you. I watched you at 70万 subscribers, when you reached 100万 subscribers on your birthday, and your 1st song. It makes me happy seeing you grow, you deserve it. I hope that you will stay the smiling and cheerful Oozora Subaru. I love you very much. Happy 3rd Anniversary and more years to come shuba!!!


Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary! I am watching your streams since 2 years already(because I thought you are cute) but wasn't really involved with the Subatomo community until last year. Because of covid-19 your streams & personality became more and more interesting to me. I owe you one for your streams and all the funny moments that happened during your streams. Additionally I want to wish you the best for your future and lots of fun with Subatomo and all Holomem! Never give up o(≧▽≦)o


スバルちゃん、3周年おめでとう…!!! いつも本当に元気をもらっています。 辛い時も苦しい時も、スバルちゃんのお陰で頑張って生きていこうと思えました。 性格も声も、スバルちゃんの全てが大好きです!!これからもアヒー女として応援してます!! スバルちゃんは私の最高のアイドルです!!


Hello Subaru-Chan! It doesn’t feel real that it’s been 3 years. Your streams make me incredibly happy and make me laugh a lot, especially SMOK. You are very inspirational. ( ^ω^ ) Congratulations on 3 years!


すばーう三周年おめでとう!!!! スバルの普段は幼馴染。でも、本気出すとアイドルなところめっちゃ好きです。 とっても努力家で3Dライブを見ても他のメンバーより振りが抜きん出てたり、苦手という歌もレッスンにちゃんとかよってて(ニガテ、嫌いなことを努力で乗り越えるのはカッコいい😭)特にシンシアリー、アカシア、blessingは何度もリピしてます。もちろん下手なんて事はないし、上手いし何より気持ちがのってるというかとにかく良い!! 初の3Dライブ楽しみにしてるる!!ぶっちゃけ、甘く見てたけどVARKめっちゃよかった。またいつかVRやって欲しい!


スバルの映画を最初に見たのは”ib”です。今は隠しているのが残念ですが,その時のスバルちゃんの反応がとても良かったです。当時の悔しい、泣いていてもまた挑戦するという。とてもよく覚えています。 あなたの素直さが好き,記念に描いたものなので、気に入ってもらえたら嬉しいです。 三周年おめでとうございます!これからもよろしくお願いします!!
